
Be the first to see Tracy Rodriguez Photography’s latest Fairfield County, CT photo shoots.

Dedham, MA Branding and Yoga Photo Shoot at The Fairbanks House {w/ Ashley Brayden}

What a joy it was to photograph the beautiful Ashley Brayden at the The Fairbanks House in Dedham earlier this week. She truly radiates joy and I was so excited to work with her again. Ashley is a yoga teacher and makeup artist. Her classes focus on alignment, awareness of breath and accepting your body exactly as it is. Her signature classes and workshops include HEALing yoga, Mindful Movement and Meditation, and SPA yoga.

You can follow her on Instagram and join her private facebook group - Look your best. Love your body - where she shares her journey with autoimmune disease, updates to her schedule as well as skin care, makeup, movement and meditation tips.

Contact me to book your photo shoot today!

Walpole, MA Yoga Photo Shoot At Bird Park {w/ Ashley Brayden and Marie Maloney}

Last month I had the pleasure of photographing the teaching staff of Humble Warrior Yoga at Bird Park in Walpole, MA for yoga mini sessions and was lucky enough to meet up ahead of time with two of their teachers for extended sessions. I wanted to give a shout out to Ashley and Marie and share some previews from our extended sessions at Bird Park! Needless to say, we had a blast!

You can follow these lovely ladies online to learn more about their yoga classes and schedules: click through to Ashley Brayden on Instagram and Marie Maloney on Facebook.

While I am sad to share the news that Humble Warrior Yoga has closed, I know that we will see these beautiful teachers out in the community, teaching around the greater Boston area.

Contact me today if you're interested in setting up a yoga photo shoot!