
Be the first to see Tracy Rodriguez Photography’s latest Fairfield County, CT photo shoots.

Boston, MA Wellness Photo Shoot on the Boston Esplanade {w/ Lorna Tanner}

I am excited to share previews from a wellness photo shoot I did with the lovely Lorna Tanner of Shimmering Moon Wellness. I was thrilled when she reached out to work together to develop images for her brand. Lorna is a Spiritual Lifestyle and Wellness Coaching offering intuitive healing. She holds a Master of Social Work and has experience as a clinical counselor. She is a certified Reiki Master with experience studying herbalism, shamanism, and holistic medicine. While I only know the very basics of these studies, I am constantly eager to learn more and apply it all. She was amazing to talk to and I know will help her clients tremendously. Lorna mentioned shooting by water and in Boston so the Esplanade felt like the perfect fit. I hadn’t shot in this location in three years and now I am itching to get back because it photographs like a dream. Enjoy!

Contact me to book your photo shoot today!

Boston, MA Yoga Photo Shoot at Harvard Business School {with Emilka}

It's that time of year! College graduation season! Emilka contacted me to schedule a yoga photo shoot to preserve her memories from her time at Harvard. First off, I have to say a huge congratulations to her on completing her MBA from Harvard Business School! She will be walking in their graduation later this month. What an accomplishment! Emilka is originally from the Czech Republic and wanted to capture her time in Boston at her home here, her campus. This is my first time shooting at Harvard Business School and wow! It was absolutely gorgeous! Who knew this oasis was tucked into Allston, right by the water?! The brick buildings, the budding spring trees, the Harvard crest, and yes, even the Charles River, all provided the most amazing backdrops! It was so New England, so Boston, so Harvard, and so her! {And by the way, I would come back here to shoot in a hot second so if you, reader, are interested, please let me know!} Emilka was so much fun to work with and totally full of smiles and grace. I am so glad I got to know her. Now, take a look at some of my favorites from our session and wish Emilka luck in the next steps in her journey as a Harvard Business School grad!

If you would like to set up a yoga photo shoot for yourself or your yoga studio, please contact me today.